I found Barbie’s website a few months before getting pregnant after a friend from nursing school had a successful homebirth and knew it was something I was interested in. Shortly after having our positive pregnancy test, I told my husband (who hates all things medical i.e. blood, bodily fluids and hospitals) about homebirth and he was quickly on board. So, I emailed Barbie and set up a consultation visit. We walked into a loving environment and immediately felt at home, nothing like going to the doctor’s office! When we walked outside after that first meeting, my husband and I looked at each other and knew it would be the right choice. I was a little nervous about telling my friends and family about our decision to have a homebirth because of my medical background (I’m an RN) but I knew I wanted to give birth how my body had intended and not be constrained to timelines and rules.
Most people were supportive, but I did have a few that were concerned about the possibility of an emergency, but after telling them of Barbie’s experience and being confident in my choice, skepticism was generally turned into intrigue. People wanted to know if I would use medication (no) and where I would give birth (undetermined before, but I gave birth in our bed) and what we would do in an emergency (Barbie is well trained and has guidelines for emergency transfers to the hospital) and the best what
about the mess (our house was left spotless with a bag of garbage and a bag of laundry)? I loved going to my pre-natal appointments, getting to hear baby’s heartbeat and just talking, and getting to
know Barbie and Althea. I felt so confident in their medical abilities and trusted their judgement. What I loved the most was the sense of responsibility for my pregnancy and being able to make my own decisions instead of them being made for me. Barbie’s emphasis on healthy diet and taking care of your body while pregnant really changed our lives.
At almost 39 weeks my water broke at home, in a gush the way you see on movies, and then we waited and walked and waited some more and finally things started happening. Almost 24 hours later we welcomed an 8lb 15oz baby boy into the world and I never felt more empowered or stronger as a woman. My husband helped catch baby and wasn’t at all squirmy because somehow Barbie keeps everything so clean!!
We took our herbal bath, and Barbie helped me out of our tub, wrapped me in a warm towel and gave me a hug, and that is just how I will remember our birth experience. Quiet, warm, loving and just as we had prayed. Just a few short hours after birth, Barbie snuggled our little family up on the
couch and left us to bond, without interruption, but knowing she was just a phone call away if we needed anything. It was amazing and I can’t imagine doing it any other way. Baby’s Birthday December 10, 2014 Taryn